What is Breast Reconstruction Surgery?
The best time for a breast reconstruction surgery is during the mastectomy, the reconstructive surgery will correct all defects in the breast after the mastectomy. There are various types of reconstruction techniques available, these include:
- Implants: An implant is placed in the breast pocket and contoured to create a beautiful natural shape. This is the most popular of the two.
- Flap/ Autologous Reconstruction: The surgeon will use your own tissue from a harvest site and place it in the breast cavity for the most natural feeling breast.
With both techniques the surgeon will determine whether or not nipple reconstruction is required.
The Ideal Candidate
The ideal candidate would be in generally good health and have realistic expectations with the outcome. A perfect candidate would need to possess certain qualities. These include:
- Coping well with their diagnosis
- No additional medical conditions
- Over the age of 18 years
- Maintain a stable weight
- Not planning to breastfeed in the near future
- Not pregnant
How Much Does Breast Reconstruction Surgery Cost?
Before any surgery can be scheduled a consultation must take place, here the surgeon will assess the patients needs and suggest the best procedure to achieve the required results.
Surgical cost are subject to:
- Duration of procedure
- Duration of your hospitalisation recovery
- Additional procedures required
Consultation Fee: R1000
(Estimated Price: email us)
This number includes anesthesia and operating room fees. However, the total cost of your treatment will depend on your individual needs and goals. A number of factors will influence the final total of your procedure.
Breast Reconstruction Surgery Before & After
Complications | Risks | Side Effects | Scars
For more information about Breast Reconstruction Post and Pre Op Click Here
Although the surgery is generally a safe procedure, patients should be aware of the potential problems associated with the surgery. The risks and complications of breast reconstruction surgery include the chance of infection, adverse reaction to anaesthesia and uneven nipple height.
Patients should also note that the breasts will never feel exactly the way they did prior to the mastectomy. During your first few weeks of recovery, your breasts might appear to be very large, this swelling will go down with time.
Normal Side Effects
After undergoing the surgery, the patient may feel all or none of these very normal and common side effects:
- Sore breasts
- Scars
- Bruising and swelling
- General discomfort
- Itching
- Swelling
Other Side Effects
Like all medical procedures, the risk of complications increase when proper aftercare treatment is not followed. These complications include:
- Developing of lumps in or around the breasts
- Loss of nipple sensitivity
- Uneven shapely breast (A great surgeon will avoid this)
- Progressive pain that cannot be addressed with your pain medications
- A high fever
- Strange discolouration, and or leaking
- Infection
- Nerve damage
- Bleeding
- Unable to breastfeed in future
These risks will be fully disclosed and explained by the surgeon, if at any point post surgery a patient suffers from any serious side effects – please consult your surgeon immediately.
For more information about Breast Reconstruction Post and Pre Op Click Here